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Mooring Field Organization
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Mooring Field Organization
Securely anchored, properly organized mooring fields are financially benefcial.

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Benefits to Organization

previously plotted harbors

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Water real estate has become extremely valuable. These are a few of the harbors that have taken the necessary steps to utilize their space responsibly.

New London CT mooring field

Summer 2011 - 41 Helix Anchor and Eco-Mooring rode moorings
New London, Connecticut

"It’s official. When Tardis, American Tug 34, pulled into New London Harbor on Saturday, it became the first out-of-town boat to use the newly-inaugurated mooring field. “I give you the boater’s thumbs up!” said Tardis captain, British-born Jeremy Bell."

That’s high praise considering he and partner Janet Crane have spent six years aboard the Tardis sailing mostly along the Northeast coast, although they hail from Alameda, Calif., and recently bought a home in Florida.

“We’re telling all our friends,” said Crane. “These are the best moorings I’ve ever seen.”

You can read the full article here at the NewLondonPatch website.

Falmouth Inner Harbor

Falmouth Inner Harbor
Falmouth, Massachusetts

Wells Harbor

Wells Harbor
Wells, Maine


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